dr Barbara Pieczyrak

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Data: Paź 2, 2009
Temat: Modyfikacje właściwości geometrycznych i elektronowych układów powierzchniowych i kontaktów metalicznych wywołane defektami strukturalnymi.
Osoba: mgr Barbara Pieczyrak
Promotor: prof. dr hab. Leszek Jurczyszyn


  • Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Marian W. Radny,Adsorption of O and Cl on Tl/Si(111)––Suppressed spin polarization via bilayer formation,SURFACE SCIENCE 696 (2020) 121598, 1-5
  • Pavel Kocán, Peter Matvija, Pavel Sobotík, Ivan Ost'ádal, Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn,Stability of Partially Fluorinated Phthalocyanine Monolayers: Influence of Hydrogen Bonding Revisited, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (3) (2020) 1973–1979
  • Artur Trembułowicz, Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn and Grażyna Antczak,Coexistence of nanowire-like hex and (1 × 1) phases in the topmost layer of Au(100) surface, Nanotechnology 30 No4 (2019) 045704
  • Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Pavel Sobotík, Ivan Ošt’ádal, Pavel Kocán,Local electronic structure of doping defects on Tl/Si(111)1x1,Scientific Reports, www.nature.com/scientificreports/, | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-37361-5 (2019)
  • Maciej J. Szary, Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Marian W. Radny,Suppressed and enhanced spin polarization in the 1ML-Pb/Ge(1 1 1)-1 × 1 system,Applied Surface Science 466 (2019) 224-229
  • Pavel Kocán, Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Yoshihide Yoshimoto, Kazuma Yagyu, Hiroshi Tochihara, Takayuki Suzuki ,Self-ordering of chemisorbed PTCDA molecules on Ge(001) driven by repulsive forces,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (18) (2019) 9504--9511
  • Barbara Pieczyrak, Artur Trembułowicz, Grażyna Antczak, Leszek Jurczyszyn,Nature of monovacancies on quasi-hexagonal structure of reconstructed Au(100) surface,Applied Surface Science 407 (2017) 345–352
  • Peter Matvija, Filip Rozbořil, Pavel Sobotík, Ivan Ošťádal, Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Pavel Kocán,Electric-field-controlled phase transition in a 2D molecular layer,Scientific Reports of the Nature Publishing Group 7:7357 (2017)
  • B. Pieczyrak, M. Szary, L. Jurczyszyn, M. W. Radny,Spin polarization of two-dimensional electronic gas decoupled from structural asymmetry environment,Physical Review B 93 (2016) 195318
  • B. Pieczyrak, L. Jurczyszyn,Influence of C-defect at Si(0 0 1) surface on the adsorption of Al, Ag and Pb atoms,Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 91–95
  • L. Jurczyszyn, B. Pieczyrak,Aggregation of Metal Adsorbates on Si(001),Acta Physicae Superficierum VOL XI (2009) 27-29.
  • Barbara Pieczyrak, Leszek Jurczyszyn,A theoretical study of structural and electronic properties of a missing dimer defect on Si- and C-terminated SiC(0 0 1) ,Applied Surface Science Vol. 254 (2008) 4357-4364.
  • O. Kurnosikov, L. Jurczyszyn, B. Pieczyrak, A. Krupski,Atomic structure and electronic properties of Ni3Al(001) surface,Surface Science 602 (2008) 2994-2999.
  • B. Pieczyrak, C. Gonzalez, P. Jelinek, R. Perez, J. Ortega, F. Flores,Mechanical and electrical properties of stretched clean and H-contaminated Pd-nanowires,Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 335711(8pp).
  • L. Jurczyszyn, A. Krupski, S. Degen, B. Pieczyrak, M. Kralj, C. Becker, K. Wandelt,Atomic structure and electronic properties of Ni3Al(111) and (011) surfacesatomic-structure-and-electronic-properties-of-niltsubgt3lt-subgtal-111-and-011-surfaces,Physical Review B 76 (2007) 045101.1-10.
  • B. Pieczyrak. L. Jurczyszyn, B. Stankiewicz,Theoretical study of the structural properties of SiC(001) - Si-terminated surface and the formation of its STM images,Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol. 56 No. l (2006) 85-92.